Friday 3 May 2013

Hey, Hey!
Check out some of our older posts for more detailed info on some of our vendors,
show hours and seminars all tailor made to suit you and your life in  the Kawartha's.

Wednesday 1 May 2013

It all Starts Friday @ 4 pm.

Woo! Hoo! 
We're ONLY 2 days away from the opener of the Fenelon Falls Country Living Show! 

OooooooWE! Friday @ 4pm is go time!

The show has a full slate of experts & otherwise to help you get the most out of the 

Kawartha's - proving that a place this awesome can get even more awesome-r 
(I know... not a real word & really bad grammar but hey... it's true!).

So hitch up the wagon & grab the kids (we've also have great activities 

                                    - check out Zoo to You - 
to help the wee ones enjoy the day as much as Mum & Dad!) and make your way to  
Fenelon Falls and enjoy the show!

Monday 29 April 2013

Fixin' the Cottage

Maintenance - who needs maintenance?! - We're livin' in cottage country baby!!!
OK, OK living in cottage country is the best! But it still means some routine 

maintenance has to be done around your castle or cottage. Things like 
septic pumping, water treatment, pest control and cleaning up after the 
water levels get a little high - to name a few. 

So, to make it all a little easier, visit our local experts on the exhibit floor to 

arrange all your maintenance requirements.

Fix On!

Sunday 28 April 2013

Fin, Fix or Build in the Kawartha's

Living in the Kawartha's is a dream come true and for many more it's a 
dream they haven't realized yet! Country Living in the Kawartha's is the 
best way to live - lakes, forests and wide open spaces. 
Our towns & villages are filled with friendly people all willing to offer advice, 
a helping hand or just point you in the right direction. 

Many of our exhibitors are the very people you're likely to meet on the street. 

So, if you're already here or looking to make the move, our exhibitors will be 
able to help you find, build or fix-up the house of your dreams. 

Let the Kawartha's be the Best part of your life!